Stealing jQuery patterns from Bootstrap 10/28/13

By Chris Johnson

Before using Bootstrap I used to bind all of my jQuery event handlers to classes or ID’s like this:

$('#myButton').on('click', function(event) {
  // Do something

Now I follow Bootstrap’s lead and bind to data attributes. This has a couple of big advantages. First, it’s more modular because it keeps your CSS classes and styles separate from your Javascript functionality. Second, it lets you supply an argument, like a target selector, that can help you avoid hardcoding data into your scripts.

For example, I use this fade toggle click handler1 in a lot of my projects:

<a href="#" data-fade-toggle=".elementToFade">Fade Toggle</a>

<h4 class="elementToFade">I’m gonna be fading</h4>

$('[data-fade-toggle]').on('click', function(event) {
  $target = $( $(this).data('fade-toggle') );

With this pattern I can add more fade toggles without touching a line of Javascript, and as Jeff Atwood says, “the best code is no code at all”.

  1. I’ve updated this post to use .on('click',...) instead of .click after Scott Williams helpfully pointed out that it was a bit quicker