Terminal tricks from Craig Hockenberry 9/3/14
If you use the Mac’s Terminal app, you need to read and bookmark Craig Hockenberry’s collection of Terminal tips and tricks.
Here are a few of my favorites:
command will give you a list of the last 500 things you’ve typed:
Say you want to open the shell’s current directory in a Finder folder. It’s this easy:
How often have you opened a Get Info window in the Finder just to know the dimensions of an image or other basic information about a file in a project? The Finder is fine, but you’re already at the command line, so just use
Have you ever had a folder full of files that you’ve wanted to access through a web browser? You could setup Apache to do this by editing the httpd.conf file, or just enter the following command in the folder you want to access:
Go check out Hockenberry’s entire post.